Jump ahead to the patterns, note that Dual line patterns are flying with the nose forward. You can fly these with a quad line. Some quad line patterns at this level are not nose forward.
Dual Line
Quad Line
Before we dive deep into the patterns, it is worth noting that these are NOT the same as the ones used to judge in competition. For those in competition check out Reed Designs or the various Competition governing bodies such as AKA, STACK etc....
Begin trying to draw a picture in the sky by flying the following your patterns. When you focus on flying a pattern it helps you to tune into the various skills and how the kite responds to your inputs. In time you will chain these patterns together with other ones, along with various tricks to create a full flying routine. If you are intending to compete in a 'precision competition' make sure you research the patterns for that governing body, along with size, entry/exit, etc... Some of the patterns below will be the same, or very similar to what you would find in a precision competition.
Go back and read The Four Building Blocks and acquaint yourself with: 1. Timing/Speed 2. Distance, 3. Input, 4. Placement. Each one of the following patterns has these elements.
Somethings to try and be mindful of while you fly:
The idea is that parallel lines on the diagram are also parallel as you fly (Placement)
Rounded corners are rounded bigger turns, and sharp corners are tight crisp turns. (Inputs)
Some patterns -like the circle- will require a level of speed control. Both from the hands and feet. (Timing/Speed)
Try to do each pattern with equal legs/length. You may have to move laterally to get the most out of the wind window (Distance & Placement)
Figure 8 - Horizontal / Infinity
This looks like an infinity symbol and incorporates a turn to the left and a turn to the right. Generally some variation of this is one of the first patterns that a novice sport kite flier does with out being aware of it. There are two variations of this. One involves executing both turns as a downward turn, the other as an upward turn.
Timing/Speed - Execute the turn with the same timing on both sides, and try to make the speed the same on both diagonals. The movements should flow together easily enough that you could fly to a cadence.
Distance - Initially work on making the distance between the bottom of one turn and the top of the next turn the same in both directions.
Input - Typically this is flown with a moderate pull of either the left or right hand while the other hand remains neutral to execute the turn. The pulling hand then returns to neutral or a slightly advanced position as the kite goes on the diagonal. It is then seamlessly repeated on the other side.
Placement - Start with flying in the middle of the wind window halfway between the top and bottom, and in the center third from left to right. This will give you the most consistent wind and allow you to focus on perfecting the pattern
90 Degree Right Angle
Pyramid / Triangle
Figure 8
90 Degree Right Angle
Pyramid / Triangle
How to Refine and Play With It
If we go back to our Four Building Blocks we can see ways to play around with the patterns and advance our flying.
Timing/Speed - First off you should be aiming for your speed to be the same throughout the whole pattern. Can you now make it slower or faster.
Distance - How much of the Wind Window are you using?
Input - If you are relying on doing these patterns with using only pull turns, change it up and use only push turns. Then try combo turns.
Placement - Since we are talking about patterns outside of competition requirements, try changing the size of the pattern. Can you do a square in a square, in a square etc... Now try moving your pattern to different places in the wind window, which will most likely require you to change the size of the pattern.